Apr 18, 2010

Not Good Enough

Gue orang yang sangat jarang merasa rendah diri. Really. Ya, seperti kebanyakan orang, kadang gue merasa takut, nervous, malu, ga PD, tapi itu jarang sekali terjadi. Gw selalu percaya apa pun yang gw mau pasti gw dapetin, dan apa pun yang gw lakuin, gw pasti bisa melakukannya dengan baik, sesuai keinginan gw. 

Tapi semakin ke sini, entah kenapa, gw makin sering merasa rendah diri. Gw tetep merasa gw bisa melakukan segala hal yang gw pengen, tapi ga sebagus orang-orang di sekitar gw. Gw bisa nyanyi, gw bisa desain, gw bisa ngomong di depan orang banyak, gw bisa nulis, gw bisa ini dan itu, tapi temen-temen gw, mereka lebih bisa dari gw. I'm good. But not good enough.

Gw menyesali banget perasaan ini dateng sekarang-sekarang ini, ketika gw udah mulai mau ng-apply magang sana sini buat ngisi liburan tiga bulan nanti. Setiap mau ngirim CV, yang dateng ke pikiran gw, "Kayak nya gw ga cocok deh.. Kalo si A atau si B, pasti cocok." Dan gw batal ngirimin CV. 

Makin kesini, gw makin bisa ngeliat kelebihan temen-temen gw. Si A bakal jadi apa, si B bakal jadi apa, tapi semakin gw bisa ngeliat kelebihan mereka, semakin buram gw ngeliat kelebihan gw sendiri. Sekarang kalau ditanya gw pengen jadi apa nantinya..

.. gw bingung
.. ga tau mau jadi apa

Kayaknya selama ini gw melihat diri gw terlalu tinggi. Kayak nya gw expect too much dari diri gw. Kayak nya gw ga semampu itu juga deh.


I Miss You, Father

Sorry I didn't go to church this week,
and last week too..
I will come to your home, next week, Father, I swear
I miss you :'(

Apr 13, 2010

Table Lamp

I created this poem two years ago. Sad, broken hearted, unstable, disappointed. Haha at least I can laugh over it after all of those pain ;)

This is the point
where i don't have any words to say anymore
no feelings to describe
and no anger to spill

i run out of blood
run out of tears
run out of the will to move on

i fall so deep
i've tried to stand up
but i fell again
and again
and again


the light i saw
was not the sun
it was just a table lamp
the owner can easily
turn it on
made me believe that it was a light of hope

and turn it off
emptiness came forward

it's only a click away.


give me the strength and teach me how
to forgive
to forget

to give
to accept

to be strong when i get hurt
and not to avenge

to love
rather than to hate

to be thank full that it happened
rather than feeling regret

And the last one, God..
give me the strength and teach me how




The moment you stop crying is not the moment your problem is over. The moment you stop crying is the moment you decide to wipe away your tears, and start to smile.

Apr 12, 2010

3rd song

The Beatles - I Will 

Who knows how long 
I've loved you You know I love you still
Will I wait a lonely lifetime
If you want me to, I will.

For if I ever saw you
I didn't catch your name 
But it never really mattered
I will always feel the same.

Love you forever and forever
Love you with all my heart
Love you whenever we're together
Love you when we're apart.

And when at last I find you 
Your song will fill the air
Sing it loud so I can hear you
Make it easy to be near you
For the things you do endear you to me
Oh, you know, I will
I will.

Apr 10, 2010


Buat UTS Copywriting kemaren iklan '08 diinstruksikan untuk bikin print ad, ambience, atau advertisement apa pun yang bisa membuat orang tidak merokok di depan umum, khususnya dalam tugas ini tempat umumnya adalah stasiun UI.

Buat gw, tugas kali ini susah banget karena kampanye anti-rokok udah banyak.. Mulai dari yang basi sampe yang super keren. Setelah brain storming beberapa hari, akhirnya gw dapet pencerahan. Ini bukan kampanye anti-rokok, tapi kampanye anti merokok di depan umum. Dan menurut gw yang paling perlu ditanamkan di perasaan para perokok adalah perasaan bersalah karena kalo sekedar pengetahuan kalau merokok di depan umum itu membahayakan orang lain sebagai perokok pasif sih semua orang juga udah tau.

Jadi akhirnya ini yang gw buat.

#1 Pasif
Ini ceritanya ada orang yang lagi merokok terus digambarin orang-orang yang duduk di deket dia juga seolah-olah sedang merokok (secara pasif).

#2 Abaikan

#3 Tidak Peduli


Hehe masih amatir ya.. Tapi gw seneng bikinnya :)

Thanks to :
Bapak X


Gorillaz - On Melancholy Hill

Up on melancholy hill
There's a plastic tree
Are you here with me
Just looking out on the day
Of another dream

Well you can't get what you want
But you can get me
So let's set up and see
'Cause you are my medicine
When you're close to me
When you're close to me

So call in the submarine
'Round the world will go
Does anybody know
If we're looking out on the day
Of another dream

If you can't get what you want
Then you come with me

Up on melancholy hill
A manatee?
Just looking out on the day
When you're close to me
When you're close to me

When you're close to me

Well yeah, we finally have our 2nd song, and I hate the fact that we've started making memories. I hate making memories. Especially when I know there will be days when you're no longer around, and I will cry listening to this song.

Apr 9, 2010

marah marah, ah..

Semua yang ga sesuai standart lo, lo bilang aneh. 
Trs ketika udah terlalu banyak hal yang 
mnrt lo aneh, 
siapa dong yang aneh? 
Mereka apa lo?


What you tweet 
is what you want
 people to
think about yourself


Kebohongan terbesar yang ada di dunia ini adalah
ketika mereka bilang kita ini lemah
Tapi sayangnya,
kadang, kita percaya..

I wish I could paint like this

Artist : Ericka Lugo

But this all I can draw..
 So sad..
So unfair.. :'(

Apr 3, 2010

Cheesy, in a good way

Just watched Clash Of The Titans with Mom this afternoon. A little bit cheesy but i like it :p , just like 2012.