Jan 12, 2011

Recipe : Apple Crumble

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Baking Time : Chocolate Lava Cake

5th term is over and now it's time for holiday. Walaupun ga libur2 banget karena masih ada acara pelantikan di kampus dan sweet17 klien (fyi, me and my friends are running a party organizer now :D), tapi lumayanlah, I have enough time for myself, family, friends, and FOOD! Entah kenapa beberapa saat ini gw lagi suka masak. Dari dulu udah suka sih, tapi skrg lebih suka lagi. Mungkin karena keseringan nonton Master Chef dan Top Chef. And now I wanna share a recipe I've tried last New Year Eve. It's amazingly DE-LI-CIOUS, and it's from my favorite cooking master's yuotube channel : Nicko's Kitchen :D (

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